Sustainability of the wood fiber production chain and use as a component of growing media
Promeco has been designing and building plants for the production of eco-sustainable products with a low environmental impact for years. With the customer Fibra di legno has developed the wood fiber market an innovative product with low CO2 emissions.
The following study shows that replacing 50% of the peat currently used with wood fiber would guarantee a saving in greenhouse gas emissions.
The calculations, elaborated on the basis of the emission factors established in this study and reported in the following table, estimate a lower impact (emissions avoided / saved) equal to about half a million tons of CO2e in case of replacement of 50% peat with wood fiber and up to about one million tons of CO2e in the case of total replacement (respectively equal to the emissions produced by about 25,000 and 50,000 cars each traveling a distance of 100,000

Furthermore, the study highlights the economic sustainability of wood fiber, whose production cost is much more competitive, of the other materials commonly used in the substrate industry as peat or coconut fiber to which the cost-effectiveness of transport due to the localization of its production must be added; the farther is the peat excavation site or coconut fiber origin, the more competitive is the wood fiber price.